Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC)

DEEOIC offers its 2nd Authorized Representative (AR) Workshop – Representatives from DOL, DOE, HHS/NIOSH, the Office of the Ombudsman for EEOICPA, the Office of the Ombudsman to NIOSH, and DOE’s Former Worker Program gathered on May 15 and 16, 2018, in Kennewick, Washington, at the Three Rivers Convention Center, 7016 W. Grand Ridge Boulevard, for DEEOIC’s 2nd Authorized Representative (AR) Workshop. Twenty-four people attended this event, and they participated in several half-hour and one-hour long sessions on a variety of topics over the course of 2 days. The Branch of Outreach and Technical Assistance (BOTA) sent invitations in mid-March to 1000 ARs in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Nevada, Hawaii, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota, and reservations were made on a first-come, first-served basis up until May 1, 2018.

Joshua Novack, Acting Branch Chief for DEEOIC’s BOTA explained, “Our goal for this workshop was to provide an informative, hands-on event, tailored to the specific needs of authorized representatives and attorneys who represent claimants under the EEOICPA. I just want to thank everyone who helped,” Mr. Novack said. “It required a lot of behind-the-scenes teamwork and on-site management of the event to make this a success, as well as presenters who were well-versed in the topics and able to answer specific and sometimes difficult questions from their audiences. The AR workshops held in Jacksonville (December 2017) and Kennewick (May 2018) have clearly shown that ARs/attorneys are willing to come and learn more about the Program. Additionally, each workshop offers an opportunity for us to learn more about the needs of these stakeholders; from there, we can work to improve every aspect of the event itself and explore additional ways to support ARs.”